Dental Implants

Restorative Dentistry in San Diego

Restorative Dentistry

Dental Fillings

If your child has a cavity, it can compromise their oral health, and leave them with a lingering toothache. Dental fillings are one of the fastest, simplest, and most affordable ways to treat cavities in kids. Cavities are a big deal, even if they're only present in the baby teeth. That's because they can cause pain and discomfort and may even lead to infected teeth or tooth loss. We do white, BPS free, and Mercury-free fillings so that your child's tooth will stay healthy for years to come.

Restorative Dentistry

Dental Crowns

We know that your child being happy and healthy is the most important, and when they get little bumps in the road, it can be scary! Toothaches and damaged teeth can be a huge burden for kids. If they are needing a solution to damaged or decayed teeth, pediatric dental crowns can help. They are designed specifically to restore tiny teeth to their former function and look. Your child will no longer have discomfort and will have a solution that will last for years to come.

Restorative Dentistry


When it comes to restoring your child's smile, tooth extractions are reserved as a last resort. We always strive to restore damaged teeth through other treatments whenever possible. But sometimes, an extraction is the best choice to get your child’s smile back on track. An extraction can eliminate your child’s discomfort, prevent further complications, and get them back to their normal, day-to-day routine. And with gentle techniques and sedation options, extractions can be quick and pain-free!

Restorative Dentistry


If you are struggling with breastfeeding, you are not alone! When a child has extra tissue in their frenulum it decreases mobility. Luckily, this is an easy fix. Frenectomies can be a great solution to help you and your newborn thrive. If your doctor recommends a frenectomy, it's because they deem it necessary to improve your baby's quality of life. And while any surgical procedure can sound scary, frenectomies are a simple and painless procedure that can solve a complex problem.

Restorative Dentistry


For many children, sitting still for the duration of their dental appointment can be a challenge. Others may be anxious or even fearful about visiting the dentist at all. Fortunately, sedation options can alleviate these feelings of restlessness and anxiety, so your child can get the care they need without pain or stress. Sedation can keep your little one calm and comfortable, which can help them gain a positive outlook on visiting the dentist and taking care of their oral health. If you think your child could benefit from sedation, let us know, and we'll help you find the best option for them.

Restorative Dentistry


When your child experiences a dental emergency, every moment counts. Providing them with timely care can accelerate their healing process and, most importantly, get them out of pain. Toothaches, broken or chipped teeth, and other issues can cause your child discomfort and interfere with their school performance, sports, and other activities. Unsure if your little one is experiencing a dental emergency? Don't hesitate to give us a call right away. Our San Diego childrens dentist will help you figure out the severity of their issue, guide you through at-home care, and schedule an appointment as soon as possible, so your child can get back to being a kid.